Mother Tongue
Active Learners and Proficient Users of the Mother Tongue Languages
To provide a linguistically vibrant environment for students to acquire the language actively and appreciate one’s culture.
The MTL department shares this common vision of students as active learners, while developing them to be proficient users in the Mother Tongue Languages. The students deepen and strengthen their knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes through participating in the learning of MTL through collaboration, active involvement, and fun and play activities. There are also opportunities for cultural and language based activities for students to enact the use of their Mother Tongue Languages functionally.
- Active Learning in MTL Classrooms
Learning of MTL takes place through collaboration, active involvement, and fun and play activities. Students makes connections to what they have learnt into real life scenarios.
- Enrichment
Students’ learning and use of their Mother Tongue Languages go beyond the classrooms- through podcasting, vlogging and even dance. The students were able to use these new skills to build their confidence in their learning.
- Cultural Exposure Programme
Regardless of language or race, all students were treated to a feast of activities that encompassed the rich history of traditional crafts, music and visual arts. The hands-on activities engaged the students to learn more about their heritage.